Saturday, January 21, 2012

Near Death

I found myself laying on the ground

I dodged so many bullets

But one hit me, and into my chest it did abound

I felt it enter in slow motion

Piercing apart of my heart

Ripping up the tissues as it tears thru all my parts

As the bullet exits out of my back

I can’t seem to breathe and blood I hack

As I lay face down in the dirt

My life force flows out and soaks my shirt

I thought that this is it

Nothing can fix me, I might as well quit

I felt myself floating

I thought I was dead

Comfort flowed in me, like a baby a mother is holding

“I will heal you” a voice said

“If you believe in me”

They wiped the dirt away so I could see

For a moment I saw a host of angels around me

And I came to my senses I saw family and friends

Showering me with their sympathy

Like magic their tears seemed to enliven my soul

But I’ll never be whole

The passage where the bullet passed thru

Is all scared over

But still I count myself as one of the lucky few

Sunday, January 8, 2012


As the candlelight dances across your skin

I examine the curves of your body

While my heart races within

I slowly move towards you, starting at your feet

My mouth exploring everyplace it would meet

Your body trembles with excitement, in response to my lips

As they transition from your leg to your hips

You pull me up to where my eyes meet yours

In that moment, our love for each other did soar

No words can express

With each gentle caress

The sensations we evoke and share

With your perfume permeating the air

We lose all control in each other’s arms

But with the trust we have, there is no need for alarm

This passion that ignites our drive

Is like a drug that has never made us feel more alive

Our bodies heat up till they feel on fire

Fueled by the friction of desire

Exploding into rapture

Together, this moment we have captured

Then the stillness of the night settles in

All I hear is your breathe flowing over my skin

And the pounding of your heart

Racing like it was at the start

Beating in sync with mine

As we reminisce this moment in time